Correct The Discrepancies That Collect On Your Finish

Top-Tier Paint Correction Packages Based In Chattanooga TN

A Mindset that Matters

At Ringgold Auto Detail, our commitment lies in delivering superior paintwork correction services and outcomes. We deeply respect every vehicle that comes through our doors, recognizing each one's unique history and narrative, whether it's a vintage beauty, classic car, or a state-of-the-art Tesla. With our extensive experience, we integrate cutting-edge products, tools, and methods to continuously refine our meticulous process to perfection.

Each step is constantly evaluated and evolves to create a custom-tailored plan of action that produces astounding results. Operating from our home-based studio enables us to maintain lower paint correction cost without compromising on the quality, efficiency, or ceramic coating services. This ensures unparalleled results for the Chattanooga automotive detailing industry.


Ringgold Auto Detail - Chattanooga, Tennessee's Area Leader in Paint Correction

NOTE: All of our paint correction packages come with a complimentary 1-year ceramic coating

Paint Enhancement

TURNAROUND: 2-3 days

A 2 step paint correction process to reduce all swirls, micro-marring, and very fine scratches. Our aim is to achieve a dramatic improvement in your vehicle's appearance so can enjoy a finish that will turn heads wherever you go. We're looking to reduce surface imperfections up to 85% or more in some cases and produce a result many would believe show car worthy.

Our auto paint correction results are unparralled in the Chattanooga, TN area. This Package is designed to far out class a 1 step paint correction while keeping the paint correction cost similar. After completion of the inital car buffing we polish the vehicle to produce and beautiful warm glow that is sure to impress.


  • Intense exterior decontamination
  • 2 -3 step paint correction
  • Surface cleanse and prep for paint sealant
  • Application of a ceramic wax sealant

Full Paint Correction

TURNAROUND: 1-2 days

This package features a 2-3 step paint correction. The advanced technique we implement with this package allows for reduction of 80%-90% of surface defects and maximizes gloss.


  • 2 step (or stage) compound and polish
  • We aim for 80%+ defect removal 
  • Includes paint sealant
A close up of a blue car 's hood in a garage.
A close up of a blue car in a garage

Show Car Paint Correction

TURNAROUND: 2-3 days

This package features a 3-4 step paint correction to remove 90%-95% of surface defects. Jeweling polish is utilized to achieve the highest levels of gloss and refraction.


  • 3 step (or stage) cutting, polishing, and jeweling
  • 2+3 Wet sanding or color sanding
  • We aim for 90%+ defect removal 
  • Includes paint sealant

No Longer Are Paint Defects Permanent

There is not a single vehicle on the roads of Ringgold, Georgia that is impervious to defects in its paint. Because most of these issues happen while you are out driving, unless you have a crystal ball, it is impossible to avoid all abrasions that happen to your vehicle’s exterior.

As an automobile enthusiast, you may be shivering at this realization, or perhaps you avoid the thought. However, with the backing of our paint correction experts here at Ringgold Auto Detailing, you no longer have to worry about light scratches, swirl marks, paint chips, or even oxidation that could ultimately fade the luster of your paint.

Our comprehensive and safe methodologies allow us to successfully remove even some of the more difficult defects that can plague your paint. And due to the fact that we see so many different makes and models every day, we have built four diverse paint correction packages that cover a wide range of vehicle needs!


Why Is Paint Correction Important For Every Vehicle?

  • It Restores Your Original Shine

    Much of dulling paintwork has to do with compounding discrepancies, not just stains from bird droppings and bugs or fading from UV ray damage. For instance, as swirl marks increase, you eventually see a cloudy color rather than a glossy finish. Polishing your finish back to perfection removes anything that distracts your eye from seeing only lustrous paint.

  • It Adds Value To Even A Brand New Vehicle

    New vehicles are only young in age; many have a plethora of paint defects that took place right on the manufacturing line or when they were being delivered to a dealership. Correcting the paint of your brand new ride here at Ringgold Auto Detail will actually increase the value beyond what it is originally set at, because it will truly be defect-free.

  • It Prevents Long-Term Paint Damage

    When a minor defect occurs, having a paint correction team repair it as soon as possible helps in value retention by stopping any long-term issues from compounding. Minor defects can quickly transpire into deep ones, which may eventually require your car to be fully repainted - a costly endeavor.

  • It Makes A Ceramic Coating Even More Valuable

    Our paint correction crew cannot express enough how vital this benefit is. When you install one of our quality ceramic coatings, you are enhancing everything that is beneath it. Paint, glass, fiberglass, and in unfortunate circumstances, light scratches, swirl marks, etching, and other minor abrasions. Instead, having these corrected only shows the best of what your car has to offer!

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